Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jimmy Fallon and WoW

Just a quick post to share this video of Felicia Day's helping Jimmy Fallon with a new WoW toon:


warcraft blog said...

oh that's that girl from dr. horrible!

wow account said...

he is such a great comedian. i watch his show every chance i get.

FaS said...

lol this is hilarious ;D this guy's terrible @ names. Jeez, A MILLION FRIGGIN people play this game!!!! Lol, "name taken" lol. Anyways, great effin post.

lol she got so pissed lol. My captcha should be a name, "Keteedar" lol.

Anonymous said...

He lied, you cant get killed by your own faction unless they ask you to pvp.

CataclysmUpdates said...

lol, she was really struggling to help him in this clip. she is pretty damn cute for a redhead!

Josh said...

Haha thats great, I love to hear when famous people play WoW.

Unknown said...

For a noob, he's pretty serious grabbing the collectors edition! LOL!!

Living with Death said...

Is it just me, or is Felicia Day that much hotter because we know she plays WoW?

May be just me... :)